Who Could Become the World’s First Trillionaire?

Key Takeaways:

  • From tech tycoons to energy moguls, many are vying to be the world’s first trillionaire
  • AI innovation could catapult someone to trillionaire status in the near future
  • Disruptive technologies are reshaping wealth accumulation and the global economy
  • Learn why traditional measures of wealth might be underestimating potential trillionaires in unexpected sectors

The quest to become the world’s first trillionaire is a topic that captures the imagination, right? 

While trillionaires may not officially exist yet, there are whispers of fortunes so vast they could eclipse even this historic milestone.

But how does one amass such staggering wealth?

While it’s hard to predict with certainty who will reach that mind-boggling milestone, there are a few contenders who could potentially make it happen. Let’s take a look at some of the top candidates:

1. Tech Tycoons 

With the rapid growth of technology, it’s no surprise that tech moguls are leading the race. Big names like Jeff Bezos (#2 on the Forbes list at the time of writing), the founder of Amazon, and Mark Zuckerberg (#4), the brains behind Meta, have already amassed fortunes in the hundreds of billions. 

Bezos, the driving force behind Amazon, revolutionized the retail landscape with his pioneering e-commerce platform. 

Amazon Delivery Van

What started as an online bookstore has evolved into a global powerhouse, offering everything from groceries to cloud computing services.

Amazon’s relentless innovation and expansion into new markets have propelled Bezos to the upper echelons of wealth.

Similarly, Zuckerberg’s creation of Facebook has reshaped how the world connects and communicates. 

What began as a social networking platform for college students has grown into a multi-billion-dollar empire encompassing Instagram, WhatsApp, and VR.

With Amazon’s ventures into artificial intelligence, drone delivery, and entertainment streaming and Meta’s investments in virtual reality, cryptocurrency, and artificial intelligence, the possibilities for growth are seemingly limitless.

If their companies continue to innovate and expand into new markets, they could “easily” skyrocket into trillionaire territory.

2. Financial Gurus 

Wall Street wizards like Warren Buffett (#6) have a knack for turning investments into gold mines. 

Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway empire has made him one of the richest people in the world. With his savvy investment strategies, he could potentially see his wealth soar to unprecedented levels.

You see, “The Oracle of Omaha” can identify undervalued companies and make shrewd investment decisions, which has propelled him to legendary status on Wall Street.

Through his holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett has built an investment empire that spans a diverse range of industries, including railroads, utilities, insurance, and consumer goods.

BH’s impressive portfolio includes iconic brands such as Coca-Cola, Apple, and American Express, among others.

Coca Cola

While Buffett’s track record as an investor is unparalleled, reaching trillionaire status would still be a monumental feat. It would require Berkshire Hathaway’s investments to outperform market expectations and achieve extraordinary returns over many years.

And most importantly, Buffet is almost 94 years old. Meaning, he probably doesn’t have nearly enough time to become the world’s first trillionaire. 

3. Industry Titans 

Beyond the tech and finance sectors, there are plenty of other industries where billionaires are making waves. 

Take Walmart’s Walton family (#18, 19, 21, and 66 on the Forbes list), for example. Walmart is one of the largest companies in the world, with a massive global footprint and substantial revenue streams.

While it’s theoretically possible for the Walton family, heirs to the Walmart empire, to become trillionaires, it would require substantial growth and expansion of their wealth. 


As of now, their combined net worth is already incredibly high ($254+ B), but reaching the trillion-dollar mark would require a significant increase in the value of their assets and investments.

The same could be said for officially the richest person in the world right now, Bernard Arnault (#1).

As the Chairman and CEO of LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE, Arnault oversees a conglomerate that comprises some of the most prestigious brands in the industry.

Under Arnault’s leadership, LVMH has become the largest luxury goods company globally, boasting a portfolio that includes iconic names such as Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, Fendi, Givenchy, and Moët & Chandon, among others.

The potential for Arnault and his family to ascend to trillionaire status lies in the continued growth and success of LVMH and its brands. 

While reaching trillionaire status is a lofty goal, it is not out of reach for Arnault and his family, given the continued success of LVMH and the enduring appeal of luxury goods.

But there’s one industry with almost unlimited potential for profit and, more importantly, growth.  

4. Innovators and Disruptors 

Keep an eye on the disruptors—the entrepreneurs who are shaking up traditional industries with groundbreaking ideas. Elon Musk (#3) is a prime example, with his ventures in electric cars, space exploration, and renewable energy.

However, he’s hitting snag after snag lately, failing to deliver crucial trillionaire-building promises like FSD, robotaxis, robots, brain implants, the mission to Mars, etc., not to mention his Twitter fiasco. 

I find it hard to believe he could reach the magic 13-figure number. Still, he has decent chances. 

A couple of years ago, Mark Cuban made a bold prediction that the world’s first trillionaire wouldn’t arise from the conventional tech industry but rather from someone leading the charge in artificial intelligence.

Back then, AI was only beginning to demonstrate its capabilities, making Cuban’s forecast sound more like a storyline from science fiction than a realistic prospect.

And now, it’s more than obvious that the real disruptors can be found in the AI sector. AI can potentially revolutionize industries across the board, from finance, IT, and healthcare to entertainment and transportation.

Those who can harness the power of AI to create groundbreaking products, services, and solutions stand to reap massive rewards. I already mentioned Bezos and Zuckerberg investing in AI. It seems they could become trillionaires if their investments pay off.

Other fundamental players in this industry include Microsoft, Open AI, Nvidia, and even Apple. Still, their individual ownership is very diluted, and their biggest shareholders are investment funds.  

The key for any potential trillionaire will be to stay ahead of the curve, continually pushing the boundaries of what AI can do and finding novel ways to leverage its capabilities.

We’ve already seen how automation impacted blue-collar jobs, and now ChatGPT impacted many white-collar jobs as well, often leading to increased profits for a select few rather than shared gains across society. 

For a long time, there has been concern among warehouse and fast food workers that automation could lead to job loss. 

But now, new research shows that bankers, lawyers, and tech bros should be worried the most. 

From business analysts, marketing managers, and software developers to database administrators and project managers, it’s likely going to be a bloodbath likes of which affluent college graduates have never seen before.  

If AI continues this trend on a larger scale, it could aggravate existing inequalities and further concentrate wealth in the hands of a small elite.

Plus, the impact on government tax revenues is also a significant issue. With fewer people employed and generating income, traditional tax structures will become inadequate to fund essential services and social programs.

Who’s going to fund the potential Universal Basic Income (UBI) if the workers are already sitting at home without a job?

Will the government even allow someone to become a trillionaire? They’ll probably have to tax them properly so they don’t become too powerful and divert most of their money back into the government budget. 

And then we come to those who are already trillionaires—the Saudi royalty. 

5. Saudis

The Saudi royal family, officially known as the House of Saud, is one of the wealthiest and most influential ruling families in the world. 

Founded by Abdulaziz Ibn Saud in the early 20th century, the House of Saud has maintained its grip on power in Saudi Arabia for generations.

With extensive control over the kingdom’s vast oil reserves, the Saudi royal family has amassed immense wealth and political clout.

The royal family’s wealth is not solely derived from oil, however. They also have substantial investments in various sectors, including finance, real estate, and telecommunications. 

In recent years, the Saudi royal family has embarked on ambitious reform efforts aimed at modernizing the kingdom’s economy and society. 

Initiatives such as Vision 2030, spearheaded by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, seek to diversify the Saudi economy away from its dependence on oil and promote social liberalization and economic development.

Also, the Saudi royal family is extensive, with thousands of members spanning multiple generations. 

This large family size means that the wealth and influence are spread across many hands instead of being concentrated in the hands of a select few. 

While some members of the royal family hold prominent positions in government, business, or other sectors, the vast majority lead relatively private lives.

While becoming a trillionaire isn’t guaranteed, members of the Saudi royal family remain among the wealthiest individuals globally, with considerable influence in both economic and political spheres.

Bottom Line

It’s tough to say who’s going to hit that trillion-dollar mark first. Sure, big names like Bezos, Zuck, or Musk seem like strong contenders because of their tech and innovation game. 

AI definitely has the potential to be a game-changer when it comes to wealth creation. With AI, there’s a whole new world of possibilities opening up, from automating tasks and boosting productivity to unlocking entirely new industries.

Whoever manages to harness the power of AI in the most innovative and effective ways could really shake things up.

Ultimately, becoming the world’s first trillionaire will include a combination of innovation, entrepreneurship, and luck. 

We’ll just have to wait and see who comes out on top!

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Three Investeers
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