Wall Street Survivor: The Ultimate Review

Wall Street Survivor game Review

If you’re thinking about using Wall Street Survivor to test and enhance your trading or investing skills, this article is a must-read.

You’ll get a comprehensive overview of this trading simulator as we’ll shed light on some lesser-known facts, including how they make money.

Most other reviews are done by writers who either don’t have proper experience with trading platforms or who haven’t actually tested the trading simulator and are blindly compiling and rephrasing other articles.

Our reviews are different – we have been in the trading simulator industry for several years and we do test the platforms thoroughly, digging deeper to uncover the underwater stones and benefits that others often miss.

We’ll look into the cons and pros of this trading simulator, so you can make an informed decision when choosing a stock simulator and education platform.

TLDR summary:

Despite its longstanding reputation, Wall Street Survivor is notably outdated. Its popularity as a trading simulator can be attributed to its early inception, almost 20 years ago, and its strategic alliances with universities. Although it seemingly boasts the essential features, the platform has regrettably stagnated over time. Its user interface and functionality exude a dated vibe, calling for a thorough overhaul to match up to its modern counterparts.

If you’re looking for a modern trading simulator, a much better alternative is the new Three Investeers trading simulator app which also offers a trading simulator where you can practice with $100k of virtual money.

What is Wall Street Survivor?

1 Wall Street Survivor overview

Wall Street Survivor, established in 2005, is a finance educational platform that combines a stock trading simulator with articles and videos about trading and investing. Users can participate in fantasy leagues for friendly competition. 

Wall Street Survivor has a stock market simulation game that gives you virtual money to invest in actual companies like Nvidia, Amazon, Apple, etc. Stock market simulators allow you to learn how to buy, sell and trade stocks without risking any real money.

👍🏽 Wall Street Survivor’s Positive Aspects

(1/4) Various competition modes

wall street survivor create your own competition and league

You can participate in Wall Street Survivor by either joining an existing league or creating your own league. Joining a league allows you to compete with other participants and potentially win prizes. Creating a league is a straightforward process where you set an end date for the game and receive a unique URL to share with your friends for inviting them to join.

To add a personal touch, you have the option to design a custom logo for your league, giving it a unique identity that reflects your style and creativity.

Winning a league on Wall Street Survivor comes with the opportunity to receive prizes as a reward for your performance. Additionally, the platform also offers no-prize leagues for those who are interested in participating purely for the enjoyment of competition.

Occasionally, Wall Street Survivor hosts a sponsored league where participants can compete for cash prizes in monthly competitions.

(2/4) Options trading available

Wall Street Survivor options trading (1)

Wall Street Survivor broadens its scope beyond traditional stock trading by also offering options trading simulation. Options trading involves buying or selling a security at a predetermined price within a specific time frame. It’s a more complex form of trading than buying and selling stocks directly and requires a good understanding of various factors, including volatility, time decay, and strike prices.

However, the options trading simulation feature on Wall Street Survivor appears to be quite basic. It might not provide the level of detail and interactivity required to fully understand and practice options trading. For those who are particularly interested in learning about options trading, a platform dedicated to this type of trading might be a better choice.

Dedicated options trading platforms typically offer more advanced features, such as the ability to simulate various options strategies and analyze the potential risk and reward.

Despite its simplicity, the inclusion of an options trading simulator in Wall Street Survivor adds an extra layer of versatility to the platform.

(3/4) Multiple order types available

Wall Street Survivor order types - market order, limit order, stop order, trailing stop

Wall Street Survivor offers multiple order types to its users, thereby providing flexibility and control over their trading activities. This feature is essential for creating a realistic trading experience, as it mirrors the options available to traders in real-world stock markets.

One such order type is the Market Price order. This allows users to buy a stock at its current market price. Using a Market Price order can be beneficial when you want to buy a stock quickly, and you’re willing to pay whatever price it’s currently trading at. This is often used when the priority is to ensure the execution of the trade rather than to get the best possible price.

In addition to the Market Price order, Wall Street Survivor also offers a Limit Order. A Limit Order allows users to specify the maximum price they’re willing to pay for a stock or the minimum price they’re willing to sell it for. The order will only be executed if the market price reaches the specified limit. This gives users more control over the price at which they buy or sell, which can be particularly useful in volatile markets where prices can fluctuate rapidly.

(4/4) Trailing stop loss feature

Trailing stop loss - how it works

A trailing stop loss is a powerful tool available to traders that provides an automated way to manage their trades effectively. It allows traders to set a stop loss order that dynamically adjusts as the market price moves in their favor while staying fixed if the price moves against them. This feature helps protect profits and limit potential losses, providing a level of flexibility and risk management.

When setting a trailing stop loss, traders specify a certain amount or percentage below the market price at which they want the trade to be closed.

As the price of the asset increases, the trailing stop loss order automatically adjusts upward, maintaining the specified distance from the highest price reached. This allows traders to capture more significant gains as the price continues to rise, while also ensuring that a portion of the profits is protected.

However, if the price starts to decline, the trailing stop loss order remains fixed at the last highest price. This means that the stop loss level does not move closer to the market price when the price decreases. This mechanism helps prevent premature exit from a trade due to minor price fluctuations, giving the trade more room to breathe and potentially ride out short-term market volatility.

The dynamic nature of a trailing stop loss order offers traders the benefit of “trailing” the price movements, adapting to the changing market conditions and maximizing potential profits. This feature is particularly useful in trending markets where prices can experience substantial upward movements while still allowing traders to lock in profits if a significant downward trend occurs.

(5/5) Company research data

Wall Street Survivor company research data

The company preview feature of Wall Street Survivor offers users a comprehensive view of each stock’s vital information and provides a wealth of data to support their trading decisions. This feature aims to equip users with the necessary knowledge and insights about a company, allowing them to make informed investment choices.

The company profile section provides an overview of the company’s background, including its mission, history, industry, and key executives. This information helps users understand the company’s positioning, its core business operations, and its strategic direction.

The company news section keeps users updated with the latest news and developments related to the company. This includes press releases, earnings announcements, mergers and acquisitions, and other significant events that can impact the stock’s performance. Staying informed about the latest news allows users to assess how current events might influence the company’s prospects and make more informed trading decisions.

The analyst rating section provides insights from financial analysts who evaluate the stock and provide recommendations, such as buy, sell, or hold. This information helps users gauge market sentiment and take into account expert opinions when making their trading decisions.

The price history section offers a graphical representation of the stock’s price movement over time. Users can analyze patterns, trends, and historical performance, which can be valuable in understanding the stock’s volatility, support and resistance levels, and potential trading opportunities.

👎🏽 Wall Street Survivor’s Negative Aspects

(1/12) Non-interactive charts

Trading simulator with live charts Vs with No live charts

The Wall Street Survivor platform seems to have significant limitations in terms of its chart features, particularly when accessed via mobile devices.

A crucial element of any trading platform, the chart, is not available in the trading section when using Wall Street Survivor on a phone.

The absence of a live candlestick chart on the trading screen means that users are not privy to real-time data or the ability to visualize price movements and market trends effectively.

Candlestick charts are a popular tool among traders as they provide a wealth of information at a glance, including the opening, closing, high, and low prices within a specified time frame. This detailed information can significantly aid traders in making informed decisions.

Adding to the list of concerns is the lack of indication of the point at which a trade was entered on the chart. This feature is particularly important as it helps traders track their trades, analyze their decisions, and learn from their past actions.

Instead of these vital features, the platform only provides a static line chart, which is far less detailed and interactive. This lack of interaction and visual appeal makes the chart less engaging, potentially leading to a less enjoyable user experience. It’s akin to learning to fly a plane using a paper and pencil diagram, rather than using a proper flight simulator – the learning experience is significantly less immersive and practical.

For a genuine trading simulation experience, a live trading chart where prices update in real-time is essential. Users should be able to interact with the chart, zooming in and out across different time frames, using indicators, and drawing chart patterns and resistance lines. These features allow users to analyze market trends thoroughly and make educated predictions and decisions.

Unfortunately, these elements seem to be lacking in the Wall Street Survivor platform, leaving a significant gap in the overall trading simulation experience.

(2/12) Lack of Real-Time Prices

wall street survivor trading simulator with static charts Vs with live charts

In the example above, you can see the static chart of the Wall Street Survivor (web version) Vs the live chart of the Bitcoinhero platform for comparison.

In a world where trading happens in real-time and every second counts, having up-to-date information at your fingertips is of paramount importance. Traders rely heavily on real-time data to make informed decisions. A delay in price updates, even by a few minutes, can mean the difference between making a profit and incurring a loss.

The Wall Street Survivor platform seems to fall short in this aspect. It does not offer real-time prices, updating stock prices once every 10 minutes or once per day for other assets. This delay could potentially lead to missed opportunities for users. For instance, in fast-paced markets, a stock’s price can significantly change within a 10-minute window.

Thus, making trading decisions based on 10-minute old data could lead to less optimal outcomes.

On the other hand, Bitcoinhero appears to offer a live chart, providing real-time data to its users. This is a significant advantage, as it allows traders to feel the pulse of the market. When you have a chart that updates multiple times per second, you can observe the formation of candles in real-time, reflecting the ongoing battle between buyers and sellers. This real-time view of market dynamics can provide valuable insights, helping traders make more timely and informed decisions.

In terms of which platform is more enticing to trade on, Bitcoinhero would likely be more appealing to most traders. The ability to observe market trends in real-time is a crucial tool for traders, and Bitcoinhero’s live chart offers this functionality. Meanwhile, the Wall Street Survivor’s static chart, with its delayed price updates, might not provide the level of detail and timeliness that today’s traders require.

(3/12) Outdated Design

wall street survivor outdated design

The simulator’s current state suggests that it has not received substantial upgrades or improvements since its initial launch in the early 2000s. Given the rapid advancements in technology and the evolving expectations of users over the past two decades, the simulator’s lack of updates leaves it feeling outdated and less user-friendly.

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) standards have come a long way since 2005, with a greater focus on intuitive design, user engagement, and accessibility. Modern applications are expected to be intuitive and easy to use, providing a seamless experience from the moment a user logs in to the moment they log out. However, if the simulator has not been updated to match these standards, users may find it frustrating and challenging to navigate, which could significantly detract from their overall experience.

Moreover, the aesthetics and interactive elements of an application play a vital role in the overall user experience. Contemporary UI design emphasizes clean, streamlined interfaces with interactive elements that are both visually appealing and functional. If the simulator’s UI is outdated, it likely lacks the sleek, modern aesthetics and interactive elements that users have come to expect. This could make the simulator feel bland and uninviting, further impacting its usability and the users’ level of engagement.

Additionally, the lack of updates could also mean that the simulator is missing out on new features and improvements that have become standard in similar applications. This could include everything from advanced analytical tools to social features that enhance user engagement and learning.

(4/12) Uninspiring user experience

Wall Street Survivor leaderboard Vs Three investeers stock market game leaderboard with real money prizes

The platform appears to be suffering from a lack of user engagement and a static feel that may detract from the overall experience. A dynamic and interactive interface is a key aspect of modern digital platforms, as it allows users to feel a part of a community and enhances their sense of involvement. The absence of such interactive features could render the platform uninviting and impersonal.

The leaderboards on Wall Street Survivor don’t seem very exciting or personalized. They lack the personal touch that could make them more engaging. Instead, they display generic user names like “quazxscssd123,” which doesn’t allow users to connect or compete with each other in a meaningful way. It would be more enjoyable if the leaderboards had a more personalized and interactive feel, where users could easily recognize and establish rivalries with others.

In addition, the lack of an option for user photos contributes to the impersonal feel. User photos can add a touch of personality and authenticity to profiles, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. Without this feature, users might feel detached from the platform and less inclined to engage actively.

Moreover, the platform seems to limit the information about other users’ trades and activities to their overall result. This lack of transparency could be a deterrent for some users, as it prevents them from learning from others’ trading strategies and performances. It might also make it harder for users to gain insights into the market trends and make informed decisions based on the collective wisdom of the user base.

Overall, the platform’s lack of interactivity and its static nature can lead to a less engaging and fulfilling user experience. To improve engagement and foster a sense of community, the platform should consider adding more interactive features, personalization options, and transparency in user activities.

(5/12) A lot of bugs

Wall Street Survivor bugs and errors

The platform is struggling with a variety of problems, negatively impacting its usability and overall user experience. One glaring issue is the inability to view stock carts on mobile devices.

When you click on the “view chart” link of any stock, you’re getting a server error.

The platform also falls short when it comes to searching for stocks.

It only allows users to search stocks by their ticker codes, not by company names. This is an unnecessary hurdle, especially for beginners, who might not yet be familiar with the ticker codes of various companies. Imagine a user who knows they want to invest in Harley-Davidson Inc., but doesn’t know that the company’s ticker code is “HOG”. This user would struggle to find the company in the platform’s search function, causing frustration and wasting valuable time.

These problems undermine confidence in the platform’s reliability.

(6/12) Limited assets to trade

Various forex currencies crossed out

Wall Street Survivor does not support currency trading like EUR/USD, JPY/GBP, etc. 

This absence restricts users from gaining exposure to the intricate dynamics of the forex market, which can, in fact, be instrumental in enhancing their understanding of the stock market.

The world of forex trading is vast and operates on a 24-hour cycle, unlike the stock market. It’s highly sensitive to geopolitical events and economic indicators, making it an excellent arena for observing the impact of macroeconomic factors on asset prices. The interplay between currencies can offer valuable insights into economic conditions worldwide, which can, in turn, influence stock markets.

By learning the basics of the forex market, traders can develop a broader perspective on how global economies interact. They can start to see patterns and correlations between currency movements and stock market performance.

If you are interested in mastering the fundamentals and secrets of forex, you can check out Forex Hero – an interactive education app about the currency markets.

For example, an appreciating currency can reflect a growing economy, which is often associated with bullish stock markets. Conversely, a weakening currency can signal economic difficulties, which might influence stock markets negatively.

(7/12) Crypto Trading Fail

No crypto trading

Can you spot where cryptocurrencies are located in this view?

At first glance, one might expect to find cryptocurrencies neatly categorized alongside Stocks and Options. However, the platform’s design takes a less intuitive approach.

Counterintuitively, to access cryptocurrencies, users are required to click on the “United States” link located next to the “Exchange” label 🤦

This unexpected placement of cryptocurrencies within the interface might leave users scratching their heads in confusion. It’s not the most intuitive design choice and could lead to frustration as users try to find their way around the platform.

This design decision significantly detracts from the user experience. Given the rising popularity of cryptocurrency trading, users might come to Wall Street Survivor specifically looking for this asset class. Having to hunt for the cryptocurrency section could lead to user dissatisfaction, and in the worst-case scenario, users might give up their search entirely, assuming the platform doesn’t offer this feature.

(9/12) No way to turn off ads

Wall Street Survivor ads

One critique of Wall Street Survivor is the platform’s prominent use of advertising. The site is filled with ads that promote various stock analysis products. While advertising is a common way for free platforms to generate revenue and cover operational costs, the extent of advertising on Wall Street Survivor may detract from the user experience.

The abundance of ads can be distracting for users, potentially interfering with their focus and learning process.

Moreover, the ads contribute to a cluttered feel on the platform, making it harder for users to navigate and find the information or tools they’re looking for.

This is especially problematic for those new to trading, who may already be feeling overwhelmed by the breadth of information and concepts they need to grasp.

Unfortunately, it looks like Wall Street Survivor does not currently offer an ad-free version of their platform. Providing an ad-free version, potentially through a paid subscription or premium membership, would be a significant improvement. It would give users the choice to have an uncluttered, distraction-free experience if they’re willing to pay for it.

An ad-free version could also enhance the perceived value of the platform. Users who choose to pay for an ad-free experience might perceive the platform’s content and tools as higher quality, as they’re willing to pay to access them without interruptions.

(10/12) Disorganized Courses

Best stock market trading course

The platform provides a variety of articles and videos, but these resources often seem randomly assembled rather than being organized into a coherent curriculum.

Furthermore, the platform’s trading video courses are not seamlessly integrated into the site. Instead, they are merely links to YouTube videos. This design decision creates a disjointed user experience, as clicking a video link takes you away from the Wall Street Survivor site and over to the YouTube website or app.

Being redirected to another site can be disruptive, especially if a user is in the middle of a learning session or has multiple tabs open. Moreover, it can create confusion and slow down the learning process, as users must navigate between Wall Street Survivor and YouTube.

In the digital age, users expect a smooth, integrated experience when accessing online content. The use of embedded videos, for instance, would allow users to view the video content directly on Wall Street Survivor’s site, creating a more cohesive and user-friendly learning experience.

(11/12) No Mobile Apps

No mobile apps available for Wall Street Survivor

Wall Street Survivor operates on a web-based platform, with no dedicated applications available for iPhone or Android devices. This absence of a mobile app can be a significant drawback for users who prefer accessing trading simulators on the go.

The limitations of Wall Street Survivor’s web-based platform extend beyond the lack of a mobile app. Users often find the website slow and clunky, which can affect the overall user experience. This sluggishness can be particularly noticeable when loading data-intensive pages or during peak usage times.

Moreover, the platform is not well-optimized for mobile phones. This lack of optimization means that the user interface may not adapt well to smaller screens, making navigation difficult and potentially leading to misclicks. The text may appear too small or too large, and interactive elements may not work as expected.

Moreover, the absence of app-specific features like push notifications, offline access, and touch ID login further contributes to a less-than-ideal user experience. These features, common in dedicated apps, help users stay updated with market changes, access content without internet connectivity, and log in securely and conveniently.

In an era where mobile apps have become the standard for most online platforms, Wall Street Survivor’s lack of a dedicated app can be a significant disadvantage, impacting the platform’s accessibility, usability, and overall appeal to its user base.

(12/12) Cumbersome Registration

Wall street survivor Registration

An annoying nuance of Wall Street Survivor is the inconvenience of its registration form, particularly for mobile users.

Right at the very beginning, the platform presents a long, scrollable list of countries that users must sift through to find their country. This design is reminiscent of outdated web practices from the late 90s and creates unnecessary friction for new users.

This problematic design choice can lead to user drop-off, as modern users are accustomed to more efficient and user-friendly interfaces. The endless scrolling may frustrate users, leading them to abandon the registration process altogether. This is especially true for users on mobile devices where screen real estate is limited, and long lists can be even more unwieldy.

In the modern digital environment, users expect to be able to start engaging with a platform almost immediately. Lengthy registration forms that ask for a lot of information upfront can be a barrier to entry. In the case of Wall Street Survivor, requesting information such as a user’s date of birth during the initial sign-up process may deter some users.

If certain pieces of information are absolutely necessary for the platform’s operation, it would be more user-friendly to ask for them at later stages. For example, Wall Street Survivor could allow users to start exploring the platform immediately after providing basic information, and then prompt them for additional details when necessary.

A phased or gradual approach to user registration would create less friction and might reduce user drop-off rates. It’s important for digital platforms like Wall Street Survivor to keep up with modern design practices and user expectations to provide a smooth and enjoyable user experience.

(13/13) Just US stocks are available

Only USA stocks available

The platform only allows users to trade in US stocks. While this may provide ample opportunities to explore the dynamics of the American stock market, it limits the breadth of the trading experience that the simulator can provide.

The global stock market is a vast and diverse field, offering a wide range of opportunities in different regions. Among the notable exclusions in Wall Street Survivor’s platform are the UK, European, and Chinese stock markets – each of which has a unique set of characteristics, challenges, and major players.

For example, users are unable to trade or learn about prominent UK stocks such as HSBC Holdings, AstraZeneca, or British Petroleum. These companies, listed on the London Stock Exchange, play pivotal roles in the financial, pharmaceutical, and energy sectors respectively.

The European market is another significant omission. It features influential companies such as Volkswagen in Germany, LVMH in France, and Eni in Italy. Without access to these markets, users miss out on understanding the dynamics and intricacies of trading in the Eurozone and its unique challenges, such as dealing with multiple currencies and regulatory environments.

The lack of access to the Chinese market also limits exposure to some of the world’s largest and most innovative companies. Tech giants like Alibaba, Tencent, and Baidu, along with other significant companies like PetroChina and China Life Insurance, represent significant portions of the global economy.

By excluding non-US stocks, Wall Street Survivor restricts users’ exposure to the wide array of financial environments and situations they might encounter in real-world trading. This limitation can also curtail the ability to execute diverse trading strategies, such as global diversification.

How Does Wall Street Survivor Work?

How Does Wall Street Survivor Work_

To begin your trading journey on Wall Street Survivor, all you need to do is register for a free account and receive your virtual $100,000. This initial amount serves as your capital, allowing you to engage in buying and selling stocks listed on the U.S. stock markets.

With your virtual funds in hand, you have the freedom to explore the vast array of stocks available on the platform. You can research and select stocks that align with your investment strategy and beliefs. Whether you’re interested in technology, healthcare, finance, or any other industry, Wall Street Survivor provides a diverse selection of stocks for you to choose from.

As you make investment decisions, you can closely monitor the performance of your portfolio. The platform offers semi real-time updates, allowing you to track the value of your holdings and observe how your investments evolve over time. This feature provides valuable insights into the impact of your trading decisions and allows you to gauge the success of your strategies.

Wall Street Survivor goes beyond individual trading experiences and encourages social interaction by enabling you to challenge your friends. The platform allows you to create custom leaderboards where you can compete against your friends or colleagues. This adds an element of friendly competition and fosters a sense of camaraderie as you navigate the world of trading together. By creating your own leaderboards, you can compare and track each other’s performance, further enhancing the interactive and engaging nature of the platform.

Is Wall Street Survivor Free?

Is Wall Street Survivor Free_

Wall Street Survivor offers users the choice between a free version and a paid membership option, allowing them to select the level of access that aligns with their preferences. While the free version provides a solid foundation of educational resources and a simulated trading experience, the paid membership enhances the learning journey with additional features.

For users who opt for the paid membership, there is a monthly fee of $19.95. With this subscription, members gain access to a broader range of courses and quizzes, which delve deeper into various trading and investing topics. These additional resources can be valuable for those seeking a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Another benefit of the paid membership is the opportunity to earn badges, which serve as recognition of users’ progress and achievements within the platform. These badges can provide a sense of accomplishment and motivation as users advance in their learning journey.

Additionally, the paid membership grants access to an expanded video library, offering a diverse selection of content related to market analysis, trading strategies, and expert insights. These videos provide users with an additional medium for learning and can enhance their understanding of key concepts.

Wall Street Survivor Vs Other Top Stock Market Trading Simulators

Here’s a quick overview of how the Wall Street Survivor stacks up against other popular trading simulators:

Wall Street Survivor comparison with Other Stock market Trading Simulators

As you can see, Wall Street Survivor falls behind other simulators significantly, earning just 4 points out of 10. Even the second historically most popular simulator from Investopedia is not paring well with modern paper trading games like Three Investeers.

You can read a full and detailed comparison in this article Best Stock Market Simulator Apps where you can dive in and find your favorite stock market simulator based on multiple parameters.

Is Wall Street Survivor Real Money?

Is Wall Street Survivor Real Money_

Wall Street Survivor, similar to other stock market simulators, functions with virtual currency rather than real money. This means that users do not have to risk their hard-earned cash while using the platform, as all transactions and investments are made using virtual funds.

When signing up for Wall Street Survivor, users are provided with a virtual portfolio of $100,000. This initial amount allows them to practice buying and selling stocks in a simulated environment. While the platform aims to replicate real trading scenarios, it is important to note that no actual financial risk is involved. Users have the freedom to explore different investment strategies, experiment with various stocks, and observe the outcomes of their trades without the fear of losing real money.

By using virtual currency, Wall Street Survivor creates a safe and risk-free environment for users to learn and gain experience in the stock market. This allows users, especially beginners, to familiarize themselves with the dynamics of trading, understand the impact of their decisions, and develop their trading skills without incurring any actual financial losses.

The absence of real money ensures that users can focus on the learning process, making mistakes, and refining their strategies without the anxiety associated with potential financial setbacks. It encourages users to take risks, explore different investment opportunities, and gain confidence in their trading abilities.

What Assets Can You Trade on Wall Street Survivor?

Wall Street Survivor what assets can you trade

Wall Street Survivor’s trading simulator includes the following asset classes:

  • Stocks
  • ETFs
  • Options
  • Mutual Funds
  • Bonds
  • Futures
  • Future Options
  • Crypto (with limited functionality)

However, the platform does not support forex (currency) and commodities (oil, gold, gas, coffee, etc) trading. Additionally, cryptocurrency trading is not available from a mobile device. And on the web, it’s only theoretically available, as the web version has functionality issues, such as an inability to search for crypto assets. Instead, it erroneously displays Activision Blizzard stock under the Crypto selection, which cannot be altered.

The absence of these asset classes is a significant drawback, particularly given the increasing relevance of these markets in the current trading environment.

Cryptocurrency and Forex markets present unique prospects and challenges that differ from traditional stock markets. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are known for their high volatility and substantial price fluctuations, which, despite being risky, can also yield considerable returns.

Even when asset values decline, there’s potential for profit through short-selling, i.e., speculating that their price will fall. Acquiring the skills to navigate the complexities of the crypto market can be invaluable for any contemporary trader.

Experiencing the ease with which one can lose money in crypto trading can also be instructive, and it’s preferable to make mistakes in a simulator rather than in real-life trading.

Similarly, the forex market, where currencies are traded, is the world’s largest and most liquid market. It operates 24/7, and its dynamics are influenced by macroeconomic factors distinct from those affecting stock markets. Lack of exposure to this market may limit a user’s understanding of currency exchange rates and their role in all other asset classes.

By failing to provide convenient access to these asset classes, Wall Street Survivor is not offering a comprehensive trading education experience to its users.

Users of the platform may miss out on understanding the nuances and strategies specific to crypto and forex trading, which could be a disadvantage if they choose to explore these markets later.

A trading simulator should ideally offer a broad range of assets for a more complete learning experience.

Can You Trade Options on Wall Street Survivor?

Options trading simulator

Indeed, Wall Street Survivor does include options trading in its simulator, although its implementation in the platform is relatively basic. Options trading involves more intricate technical aspects and a different user interface compared to standard trading, making it a challenging feature to implement at a high level of quality within a comprehensive trading simulator.

Given the complexity and unique requirements of options trading, individuals who are specifically interested in mastering this particular trading strategy may find more specialized options trading simulators to be a more suitable choice. Dedicated options trading simulators often provide a more robust and comprehensive experience, offering in-depth tools and features tailored specifically for options trading education and practice.

These specialized simulators for options trading typically provide a more refined user interface, advanced options trading strategies, and comprehensive analysis tools specific to options. Such platforms may offer features like options chain visualization, advanced options pricing models, the ability to simulate complex options strategies, and detailed options Greeks calculations.

By utilizing a simulator specifically designed for options trading, traders can benefit from a more focused and comprehensive learning experience in this specialized area of the market. These dedicated options trading simulators provide an environment that allows for in-depth exploration, practice, and mastery of the intricacies associated with options trading.

Types of Competitions

Wall Street Survivor Types of Competitions

A distinctive aspect of Wall Street Survivor is its assortment of contests.

These include open leagues where all users are welcome to participate and exclusive leagues designed for groups of friends, family members, or classroom settings.

Not only do these competitions offer the opportunity for boasting rights, but they also come with potential rewards to be won.

There are several types of competitions for which users can sign up for:

  • Default competitions run by the platform.
  • Competitions created by other users that are open to anyone who wishes to join.
  • Competitions that require a fee or payment before joining (these are typically hosted by other users and may be sponsored by businesses)

Can you win real money prizes with Wall Street Survivor?

stock trading simulator with real money prizes - a girl with money falling on her head

Yes, from time to time Wall Street Survivor has sponsored monthly contests where users can compete for real money prizes.

But for the most part, it provides users the chance to win virtual badges, eBooks, and subscriptions to their partner report services.

Here are some categories of badges you can earn:

  • Top traders, top investors, and rank-based awards: You can earn badges by clicking on the awards button on your profile page. The badge will appear on your profile next to your username.
  • Competition winners: Badges are awarded weekly to the top traders and investors during that time.
  • Students: There is an award for good students who complete all of their course requirements within a specified time period (for example, completing all of your courses within one year).

Earning badges is ok for a little motivation boost, but it’s much better to win weekly money prizes like in the Stock Market Game.

Tips & Strategies How to Win in Wall Street Survivor

Tips & Strategies How to Win in Wall Street Survivor

There are numerous ways to boost your results in Wall Street Survivor, but here are my top seven tips that will help you succeed:

  • Increase your trading volume – to make bigger gains you need to increase your position size, leverage, and trade count. In real life, you wouldn’t want to risk too much, but to win in a trading simulator you can and should swing for the fences.
  • Learn from the pros – read the legendary investing books like “How To Make Money In Stocks by O’ Neill”, etc.
  • Diversify your investments – make sure you understand the principles of asset correlations. It’s not wise to make multiple simultaneous bets in assets that are highly correlated. For example, if the price of gold goes up, so will the Canadian dollar and Canadian companies related to gold production.
  • Follow the reports – open your calendar and mark the dates of earnings reports (ER) of companies you plan to invest in and analyze analysts’ forecasts before the news releases. This can help you to spot potential movers earlier than other users.

By applying these tips, you can develop a more strategic approach to your trades on Wall Street Survivor and increase your chances of achieving success in the simulated trading environment. Remember, the platform serves as a valuable learning tool, allowing you to refine your trading skills and gain experience before venturing into real-world trading.

Is Wall Street Survivor Legit?

Is Wall Street Survivor Legit_

Yes, Wall Street Survivor is a legitimate platform that has been trusted by thousands of users. Wall Street Survivor has been around since 2005 and has been providing financial education and a realistic trading simulator.

It’s certainly not the best one nowadays, but it is safe.

Also, it’s important to note that while Wall Street Survivor can help you learn about the markets, it cannot guarantee success (just like all other simulators) in the real market. You can read about the cons of simulators here

How Does Wall Street Survivor Make Money?

How Does Wall Street Survivor Make Money_

Wall Street Survivor offers a paid version, but it appears that not many people are using it. As a result, it generates revenue through various additional channels. These include:

  1. Displaying Google ads to users: The platform incorporates Google ads as a means of generating revenue. These ads are shown to users as they navigate through the platform.
  2. Selling sponsored ads: Wall Street Survivor also generates income by selling sponsored ads. These ads are strategically placed within the platform to promote relevant products or services.
  3. Promoting and selling stock analysis reports: The platform collaborates with partner brands such as “Motley Fool” and “Zacks” to promote and sell their stock analysis reports. These reports provide insights and recommendations to subscribers for a fee.
  4. Promoting trading brokers and earning affiliate commissions: Wall Street Survivor promotes trading brokers, such as eToro and IG, to its user base. Through affiliate partnerships, the platform earns commissions for every client who invests with those brokers through the provided links.
  5. Selling custom trading simulator platforms to Universities: Their parent company StockTrak specializes in white labeling trading simulators and selling them to Universities who want to have their own branded investing simulators for their students to practice on.

It’s worth noting that the presence of clickbaity ads for Motley Fool and other stock analysis subscriptions can be quite pervasive within the app. These ads serve as a revenue stream for Wall Street Survivor, as the platform earns affiliate commissions for each client who makes a purchase through these ads.

Regarding the Motley Fool market research and stock advisory subscription, it is offered at a cost of $199 per year. Initially, the service may have met expectations, providing two new stock recommendations every month, along with timely and foundational stock suggestions. However, it is important to consider that the accuracy of their forecasts reportedly decreased after the bull run period. As a result, you have chosen not to renew the subscription. Furthermore, it can be somewhat frustrating to encounter constant upsells through various communication channels used by the service.

In summary, Wall Street Survivor generates revenue through Google ads, sponsored ads, stock analysis report sales, and affiliate commissions from promoting trading brokers. While the platform provides access to valuable resources, it’s important to be aware of the click-baity ads and potential upsells associated with certain subscriptions.

How to reset Wall Street Survivor account

How to reset Wall Street Survivor account

If you’ve made some unfavorable trades on their simulator and depleted your virtual cash balance, you might be interested in resetting your account to start anew with the initial $100k.

Regrettably, there isn’t a straightforward way to do this on their platform. Typically, you would expect to find a “reset account” button in your profile, but such an option is either absent or extremely well hidden.

So there are two options how to reset your account:

  1. Create a new account by registering with a different email.
  2. Reach out to [email protected] and hope that they can reset your virtual cash balance.

This is a feature they could easily improve.

Does Wall Street Survivor offer margin trading / leveraged trading?

leveraged trading

Leveraged trading is a common feature offered by many real trading brokers in which traders can amplify the impact of their investments. It can be likened to using a magnifying glass for your money, as it enables you to trade with more capital than what is actually available in your trading account.

To illustrate, let’s consider an example:

If you have $100 in your account and utilize 10x leverage, it means you can engage in trades as if you had $1,000 at your disposal. This leverage multiplier allows traders to potentially generate larger profits than what would be possible with their original investment.

However, it’s important to exercise caution as leveraging also amplifies the potential for larger losses.

Unfortunately, Wall Street Survivor does NOT provide the option for leveraged trades in the stock market.

While this omission may be disappointing for some users, it’s worth noting that the platform primarily focuses on educational purposes and simulating real trading scenarios rather than replicating all the features of live trading. As a result, the absence of leveraged trades on Wall Street Survivor is a limitation that differentiates it from actual trading platforms.

While leverage can be enticing due to its potential for increased profits, it also entails higher risk. Misusing leverage or failing to understand its implications can lead to significant losses. Therefore, it’s crucial for traders to exercise caution and carefully consider their risk tolerance and trading strategy when utilizing leverage.

Our Verdict – is Wall Street Survivor Worth Your Time or Not?

Judge presenting his verdict with a hammer in hand

In conclusion, Wall Street Survivor (despite its longevity and cooperation with various universities) falls short in providing a comprehensive and modern trading simulation experience. Its outdated interface, lack of real-time prices, limited asset classes, and numerous functionality issues make it less appealing compared to newer, more advanced platforms.

While it does offer a range of asset classes and competition modes, the platform’s limitations, particularly in its crypto and forex offerings, hinder users from gaining a well-rounded understanding of today’s diverse trading landscape.

Moreover, the platform’s ad-heavy environment and lack of a paid ad-free version can detract from the overall user experience. The educational content, while seemingly abundant, lacks structure and coherence, making it less effective as a learning tool.

On the bright side, Wall Street Survivor is free to use and provides a risk-free environment for beginners to get a feel of investing. But so does every other investing simulator.

As a result, for a more realistic and engaging trading simulation experience, newer platforms like the Three Investeers trading simulator app might be a better choice as you’ll get to trade all asset types, compete for weekly real-money prizes, and do it all in a modern and interactive app.

Ultimately, the choice of a trading simulator depends on individual needs and preferences. It’s important to consider the platform’s features, asset offerings, user interface, and educational content before making a decision. Remember, the goal is to learn and gain experience, so choose a platform that best supports your learning journey in trading and investing.

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